Pancake Day Success!

Crepe Queen Mel

Today I sold pancakes at my college in the A Level Centre and it has been the best event I have done to date. It didn’t raise the most but it raised a lot considering it was just pancakes!

The stall was set up from 10am till 4pm today and raised £85.18. It was 50p for lemon and sugar pancakes or £1 for nutella and whipped cream pancakes. We ran out of flour by 11am so its safe to say i completely underestimated the success of today. There was a queue filling the corridor to the library and to the canteen, and didnt die down for atleast half an hour during one break.

Not only did it raise some money it was a great way to raise awareness of my cause to members of staff and students of the college. Many people I’d never spoken to before stood and chatted about my fundraising, my project and South Africa. It was so lovely to not be stressed and worrying about how to save the event for once.

I want to say a huge thank you to those who helped organise the event and to those who helped today, especially Mel and Lewis. You guys were amazing!


Pancake Day in 4 Days

This month has been the most I have raised in a month yet and its not even over yet.

Pancake day is in 4 days and I will be selling pancakes, tea and coffee at my college for the entire day. I made some this morning to try them out my flipping skills and I have to admit I’m not too shabby.

A few weeks ago I sent out an extra 35 letters to charitable trusts. So far I have had 5 respond with donations. So far I have raised £1,216.51 this month from charitable donations, selling items on ebay, and bag packing. Hopefully the pancake sale will do well and earn a bit extra to add to this months success.

I also bought some charitable buckets and printed some labels. These will be coming with me to all my events as I think the loose change jars weren’t big enough and weren’t noticed by most.

My running total as of today is £4,293.40 which means I have 69.25% of my total and have less than £2000 left to raise.

February Update and Upcoming Events

Since Christmas, fundraising has been a bit slow. I hit my target of £3000 a month early and decided to have a short break to focus on other priorities in my life. This was a huge mistake. Once you’ve got the ball rolling, don’t stop. It’s so difficult to get motivated and do well with fundraising again.

However I have accomplished a few things. I redesigned my leaflet and ordered 1000 of them. I was stingey with my first lot and want to be able to hand these leaflets out as much as I can. Vistaprint was having a sale and it worked out that i only paid £20 extra and got 700 more than last time. So definitely worth it. leaflet-side-by-side

I also put all the clothes that didn’t sell at the car boot sale on eBay. Wow! Car boot sales were a huge mistake. I’ve made a lot more money through using eBay. All the items are set for auction for a week all starting at 99p with either £2.80 or £3.30 p&p depending on first class or second class. So far I have made £30.39 from doing this.

On Friday 10th February, me and a few friends did bag packing at our local Tesco. Unfortunately most people did not want their bags packed and even half the people who said yes did not donate. However we still raised £30.41 which is better than nothing as I did not have to pay anything for this event. I think next time I need a table set up and big buckets to put the money in rather than my loose change jars.

My total right now is £3137.69, which is 50.61% of my target. I’ve got 5 months to go, I can do this!!

The next few months should be exciting. The first thing planned is my sponsored skydive. I recieved a quote from a company and just need to finalise the details. But hopefully I should jumping out of a plane at 10,000ft from the ground with 30 seconds of free fall on the 30th June! I am hoping many people will sponsor me. Although I don’t think I have a fear of heights (I love flying in planes), I’m definitely scared of falling. This has been a fear since I was really young. So hopefully it’ll make a few people chuckle knowing I’m going to screaming at the top of my lungs for 30 seconds which will feel like 30 years to me.

If anyone would like to sponsor me please ask to fill out a sponsorship form or donate to my virgin money giving page and state its sponsorship for my skydive.


I will hopefully be doing some more bag packing, this time at a local garden centre/warehouse. I have a charity paintballing day coming up too, if anyone is interested please contact me. I am also hoping to start doing some face painting. If anyone needs a face painter then please let me know!